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  1. 4 points
    Niyaw horta comments kaagu kaama khasaarin aragti saxaad cabirtay oo aad qortay. Laakiin imika waanba sakhraansanay oo kuuma jawaabi karo indrkay talaabo wax waydiiya. Anigu geeridii nebiga ma ogiye
  2. 3 points
    Very much reflections of what I would expect from a bloody foreigner on a hushed visitation to a war zone marinated with a toss of mislaid Somalinimo flavour to balm chapped cavities of the forlorn diaspora hordes. Take you seriously, I shall not, till you have taken a crowded bus, with tiny seats not fit for a tall, burly gentleman of a certain age, from Adam Adde airport, paid the $5 fee to stride to the taxi rack, fight your way through rows of poor beggars to find a taxi or a bajaj to your destination; then at dawn, take a stroll through Bakaraha market for a homely breakfast in one of the low end shacks-turned-restaurants competing fresh "laxoox / canjeelo" flying off the pan with builders / workers in the morning rush, and get a sodden whiff of the rubbish, from the day before, still stacked up in the streets. With that, you would be a local lad back at home. But with you fancy bulletproof limo, VIP reception, backdoor exit to the city, and trotting between blue beaches and fancy hotels, mate, you are a bloody foreigner on tour. Now, tell me, is Awdal safe? Is Lughaya secure? Is Ceel Sheekh off limits?
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    LOL...it's late for me. I joined the' I like shaving my head' community.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    One of my relatives was killed by the French for assisting the liberation struggle.
  7. 3 points
    I don't understand why anyone needs to blame her for a mere speech. The United States along with pretty much everyone on this planet already made it clear to the Xabashis that Ethiopia has no right to buy cheap land and sea from the despot in Hargeisa.
  8. 3 points
    This guy is right. If the mad man goes ahead with this destruction of our existence as free people, anyone who cares about their future should join any armed resistance movement to fight the tyrant and the criminals around him.
  9. 3 points
    War yaa Facebook algorithm yaa iga ceshto. Waxaan camal isoo hor dhigaa, aniga 'not interested/block' ku haayaa maba joojinaayo.
  10. 3 points
    For those interested to learn from another example, of a major and more powerful neighbour leasing military ports and coastal lands, should read about the Kharkiv agreement between Ukrainian and Russia on Crimea Ports and what happened eventually to all of Crimea. Powerful countries do not just give up coastal areas and military ports, even if they initially agreed to a lease, and if needed they even annex the whole region, as happened with Crimea. Kharkiv Pact - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Putin tears up lease for Sevastopol naval base WWW.FT.COM
  11. 3 points
    The ‘ictiraaf’ thing has really confused some, Ethiopia already enters agreements with Somaliland, has a diplomatic mission that reports directly to Addis, has direct flights to Hargeisa. What more ictiraaf than that will Ethiopia bring you, changing the sign board of its Consular Mission to Embassy is that worth selling your land for it.
  12. 3 points
    The stip of land probably bigger than Gaza which warlord Muuse is giving away to Ethiopia will quickly be flooded with millions of Oromos and Afar, creating a de facto Ethiopian province in our own country. This new foreign region will cut off the Somalis in Djibouti from those of Somaliland and Somalia, completely isolating them. This isolation will weaken them and enable Ethiopia to help the Afar take over Djibouti. After getting access to the sea, Ethiopia will then be even more aggressive in pushing the Somalis in Ethiopia off their land and threaten every other region from the sea. This disaster waiting to happen must be stopped before it is too late.
  13. 3 points
    It was clear from the beginning, that the Oromo narrative was pushed by Ethiopia as the precursor for voluntary and indirect annexation. Ethiopia has for decades used a politics of Oromisation in Somali region solidify its government grip on Somali’s and expand its territorial hold, so this wasn’t anything new, what is new however is this politics being applied or expanded to inside sovereign Somali territory.
  14. 3 points
    Carfaat Layskuma hayo in afrikaan iyo amxaaro maamulaan koonfurta, xoogna ku joogaan markaan dhexdeenii is dilnay oo daciifnay. Gaalo kale oo walaalahood ah yaa koofiyad cagaaran u xidhay nimankaasu waa sharciyaysan yihiin. Meesha kaliya oo aan islahaa waa lagu faani karaa waxay ahayd waqooyiga oo aan askari ajnabi ah joogin marnabana aan lagu arag. Laakiin snm waxay noqotay ninkii boqolka soomay oo bakhtiga ku afuray Baqdinta aan iminka qabaa waxay tahay in la arkay meesha aad ka jilicsan tahay oo ah "tol" la'aanta. Taasina waxay keenaysaa in amxaar kuul leh lagula walaaleeyo, dadkaagii soomaaliyeedna cadaw kuu noqdaan. Ugu dambayn Adeer hashaasu waa jabtay, waliba si sahlan geelu haduu jabo ma kabmo waa la qashaa, Hashaas jabtay cuna oo karsada intuu amxaar ceeriin ku cuni lahaa. Afeef Hadaad luuqadayda garan waydo raali ahaw, jiilkii hore yaan kasoo jeedaa. Ogowna aduunka waxaan ugu necbahay caadifadda ka sakow, inaan arko soomaali, soomaali kale maydkiisa kor taagan xataa haduu shbaab yahay.
  15. 3 points
  16. 3 points
    Xamar iyo shirqoolkeeda ha iska ilaaliyo. Meesha bahalo ka buuxo.
  17. 3 points
    Rationality in its simplest form
  18. 3 points
    "We are Somalis, we will remain as Somalis, the most painful thing we felt was that you will not govern yourself, but we will govern you. We have denied that, the decision and advice of what happened in LasAnod, SSC Khaatumo is for the Somalis. We do not want to revenge them, the victory we achieved is a victory for the Somalis." Leader of SSC-Khatumo Abdiqadir Ahmed Aw Ali. (Today’s speech at Laascaanood September 14, 2023). "Anagu Soomaali baanu nahay, Soomaali baan ahaan doonaa, waxa ugu xanuunka badan ee aan dareenay wuxuu ahaa - Tashan mayside anaa kuu talin doona! Taas anagaa beeniney, go'aanka iyo talada wixii ka dhacay Laascaanood Waxay u taalla Soomaali. Ma doonayno in aanu aarsano, guushii aanu gaadhney waa guul Soomaaliyeed.” Hogaamiyaha SSC-Khaatumo Cabdiqaadir Ahmed Aw Ali. (Maanta khudbadii, Laascaanood, September 14, 2023."
  19. 3 points
    Mr Khadafi my views about the points you mentioned were always made public here in this forum. I supported the garaad community or atleast their elite when they were with Somaliland and would occasionally cheer them when they chased away the trouble making Puntlanders from one dusty village to another. That was when they were willing partners in the state building project. However, now it just doesn't make any sense to force them against their will. My values and views are not random or driven by mere emotions. Rather they are carefully crafted with one simple aim in mind: that on the Day of Recompense, I shall be absolutely free from any guilt when it comes to the blood, property, and honour of the believers. When I would not enjoy standing in a high court in this world for trial after being accused of a serious crime like murder, why would I risk standing in the court of Allah carrying a heavy burden on my shoulders? Allah already made it clear to us that whoever participates in an evil deed shall share its evil outcome and whoever participates in a good deed shall reap its rewards. Fighting unjust wars, or supporting it financially, or encouraging the waging of such a war online or offline is quite simply booking a ticket to hell. Another way you could be shedding Muslim blood is by supporting politicians who are known wrongdoers or known for not fearing Allah. Voting for them or financing their campaign is aiding them in their transgressions.
  20. 3 points
    Masaakiin, maati carruur iyo waayeel ku jiro, maalin walba la duqeynaayo ayuu ku jees jeesteynaaye, arrogantly and proudly. Qofka saas camal ah needs to be brought to earth in a crush. And as a self-admitted jaahil himself, karbaash ayuu wax ku gartaa, not walaaloow iyo ereyo jilicsan. His behaviour also reminded me Caydiid Sn's and Jr's moooryaantiiaa heystay deegaanada Koonfur Galbeed from mid to late 1990s. Saan camal ayee u kibirsanaayeen, faan iyo booto bilaash ah wadeen. Tii ka dhacday Rabi ayaa ogaa, xataa xaasaskooda ka cararay, including Xuseen Caydiid's wife lagu qabtay markii Baydhabo laga saaray in mid 1999. Waala sii daaye oo Xamar aaday. I guess waa dhaqabka 'habraha' - be them in Waqooyi ama Koonfur - dad la dulminaayo faan iyo booto ugu sii daraan.
  21. 3 points
    Concur, I really hope this will be the end of warmongering and cool headed and rational thinking returns to our people, but fear it won’t be the case yet.
  22. 3 points
    Human wave attack baa nagu dhacay , we underestimated ciilka dadka Ku gadhoodhay. Rag waad Ka adkaan kartaa laakiin bulsho dhan oo gurigooda jooga lagama adkaan Karo. Waan Ku faraxsanahay in muddo dheer oo Sool Clan wax naga tirsanayey ay maanta si wacan nooga adkaadeen. As a HJ Guushan Anigu uma arko qiyaame noo dumay, if we honour it. Waxan u arkaa nolol cusub oo noo bilaaban tay anaka iyo Sool Clan . Mid Ku dhisan sinaaan iyo walaaltinimo. Sidii awalba noo caadada ahayd, after every war halays waso. Saacada laga bilaabo qalasad baan isu dhiibaya faraxsan Anagu qab baanu Ku dagaalana haduu doono kibirba ha ahaadee , mar hadii goojacade nalaka saaray general bootaana la qabtay. Qabkaasi naguma jiro hada. Sool clan deserved this victory. Congratulations baan leeyahay. Wixii lasii wadwadaa waa dagaal saqajaan .
  23. 3 points
    Now that Muuse & Co. have been defeated, let us sit down, as Somalis, as we have always done, agree to live in harmony, and work for a common good. No vengeance, no point scoring!
  24. 3 points
    These whole moves by Xasan Socdaal regime just proves how terrified they are about Reer Baraha Bulshada. Xasan, Xamsa and Alqabyaala openly are complaining about their corruptions being exposed on social media and declared amateur war on them. They first tried to buy them, starting with tolka Qaraxquute and C/llaahi Balwaan. Balwaan refused, however Qaraxquute is on per diem. Shiine Culey was paid by Xamsa as is Amiin Caamir by wasaaradda warfaafinta. They briefly shut down Cali Yare's Facebook accounts twice, declaring him dead, so was Abwaanad Naciimo Qorane. They tried to shut down Sh. Cabdi Xirsi's social media accounts by sending legal threatening letters to Meta and Youtube. Macalinka Luggeeya kama fakan, trying to hack while he is on live. C/risaaq Teera iyo Naciimo Qorane baasaboorada ayee ka kansaleen. Kabtan Ayuub weyba ka samreen. Moooryaan aanan xishood iyo sharci midna kaa qabaneynin dalka xoog inay ku heystaan rabo. They are really mad at Ilhaan Garaad because her superviral video about gabadhii ordeysay exposed their full incompetency.
  25. 3 points
    Che iyo aniga inaa nahnay the dinosaurs of Reer SOL ma'ogid miyaa. I joined SOL in Aug., 2001, though registered a few months later. Waaba 22 sano, tii/kii waagaas dhalatay/dhashay doobnimo waa dhaaftay/dhaafay.
  26. 3 points
  27. 3 points
    This competition and the similarly cringe worthy ones before it epitomises the Somali people as a whole. It is a perfect picture of our collective failure. This world and everything in it is defined by competition. It's fabric is made of the carcasses of the loosers and the trophies of the winners. From the constant struggles between the prey and the predator in the animal kingdom (survival of the fittest) to the competition for resources between individual humans and their families, everything is based on competition. Nations which are just a collection of families, are also in competition. And in this group competition of families, we became a joke just like our tortoise sister in this embarrassing clip.
  28. 3 points
    Kollayba Anigu magac u waayi maayo dadkaanu is hayno sida , badhyo culus , qurjiiley iyo dhuxulaysato. Eeg hada cidna ma magacaabin , sharciga forum kana ma jebin, cidaan u jeedana waad wada fahmaysan. Malaha waxaaba loo qaatay inaynu si sharaf leh magacooda saxda ah isticmaalno. Galbeedina saacadaa laga bilaabo waa xafajo. Sidaa maku heshiina ? Marnaba anigu magac xun u waayi maayo Baroorwiish ama falastiin hadba sidaad u taqaanin.
  29. 3 points
    This secessionist troll's obsession with 'laan' is on next level. What an incel oo ku waashay laan, laan, laan. Soco gabar raadso, not that you will find one. Also reminded me what a Reer Xamar lady in berisamaadkii said to a new neighbour who moved to her xaafad. Waqooyiga ka timid oo ku waalatay 'laandheere, laandheere.' Maalintii dambe loogu jawaabay, "Ninkaaga ku dhib qabo laankaaga dheer." From that day, ma dambe laandheerenimo lagama maqlin.
  30. 3 points
    Sanaag and Maakhir people are the winners. They fully boycotted the Somaliland election two years ago with almost zero members, and today they 100% participated the Puntland election. No one can dispute where they belong. There is nothing more democratic than the people deciding their future by vote without fear. Of the original five districts of Sanaag, only Ceel Af Weyn did not vote.
  31. 3 points
  32. 3 points
    If they ever take a legal action against any investor in the Western courts, Somaliland will have a huge opportunity to challenge Mogadishu's claims to sovereignty and expose the whole fraud the illegal "union" was built on.
  33. 3 points
  34. 3 points
    Farmaajo pushed the dictatorial limits and that was most likely his downfall. He was truly convinced of his own invincibility till the end. People were also tired of the continued corruption that never went away even though Farmaajo campaigned on a promise to end it. I think this was anti-Farmaajo vote than anything else. Anyways, the country needs prayers and all the help it can get because the new guy was far worse on corruption than Farmaajo. Hopefully HSM learned his lesson and comes up with new ideas to govern the country because he was truly unable to deliver anything meaningful the last time he was given the chance.
  35. 2 points
    He does not have anything to give, and even if he wanted to he will be end up with more than a broken arm and a black eye. It is not that he is not serious, but he is out of his depth as to the geopolitical games being played over his head.
  36. 2 points
    He would like to see the details first
  37. 2 points
    Reasons to Object to the proposed Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU 10 January 2024 Absent the MoU, we have relied on the initial brief provided by President Bihi and the subsequent public statements from Ethiopian officials to piece together key elements of the deal. Bottom line is that this MoU is not good for Somaliland in a myriad of ways. Below are some of the key concerns related to MoU: 1. The MoU has yet to be shared and there have been mixed signals from both Somaliland and Ethiopian officials on the scope and location of the Ethiopian investments – Is it a port deal? Naval base? Is it providing 20kms on the coast? Where exactly – Loyado/Lugaya/Bulahar? Or is it a land bridge connecting Ethiopia to the sea? What are the payment terms and how much? 2. Ethiopia’s historic claims and recent public statements from Abiy and Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicate an intent to obtain “permanent and reliable” access to the sea for the landlocked country. Therefore, the plans for a naval base, commercial port, and land bridge all should elicit concern that the endgame for Ethiopia may be to redraw the map of Somaliland. One such possible outcome is the map below in which Ethiopia is able to obtain a 20km wide land bridge to the Gulf of Aden: There is a high risk of annexation of land by Ethiopia, as a powerful and much larger neighboring country would never give up military strategic assets and land, and if relations deteriorate would likely choose for annexation, as per example of the Ukrainian region of Crimea annexed by Russia. 3. There should be serious doubts about Ethiopia’s ability to honor any potential payment terms given the fact that the country only just last month (Dec 2023) failed to make a $31 million bond payment. The debt default underscores the Ethiopia's severe financial challenges and explains why the initial payments terms include shares in Ethiopia’s airline and telecom sector or provision of electricity in lieu of cash. 4. The practice of leasing coastal areas to foreign military has not proven to boost overall economic activity in the host country. Djibouti has one of the highest extreme poverty and income inequality rates in the world despite earning hundreds of millions in annual rents from foreign bases on its territory. https://databankfiles.worldbank.org/public/ddpext_download/poverty/33EF03BB-9722-4AE2-ABC7-AA2972D68AFE/Global_POVEQ_DJI.pdf 5. Even if there is no formal annexation of land by Ethiopia, the influx of Ethiopians into the 20 kms of territory will change the demographics of Somaliland and provide Ethiopia with de facto control of the land. Somalilanders have already seen a dramatic increase of mostly Oromo people in the country, most as laborers. There are now several generations of Oromos in Somaliland with children who speak fluent Somali. Social media posts from prominent Ethiopians are clear on their goal to rewrite what they consider an historic wrong. 6. Ethiopia has no ability to ensure that Somaliland becomes an internationally recognized country with acceptance into African Union, IGAD, UN, or the new bloc of BRICS. Northern Cyprus is only recognized by Turkey and Transnistria is only recognized by Russia. Both countries are largely isolated and economically and militarily dependent of the larger neighboring country. Somaliland would require financing to largely be acquired from Ethiopia as it would have no access to international financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF. 7. The construction of a port for Ethiopian commercial port in Lugaya, Loyado or Bulahar would have disastrous effects on the port of Berbera. In addition, the 20 kms area of the coast that will be controlled by Ethiopia will impact Somaliland’s own commercial activities such as fishing. 8. Ethiopian access to the Red Sea jeopardizes regional stability as Djibouti, Somalia and Eritrea would feel existential threats by Ethiopia surrounding them both on coast and hinterland. In addition, the current high stakes conflict in the Red Sea, where multiple foreign navies are jockeying for relevance, could also draw Somaliland into conflict unwillingly. 9. The debate over the MoU has resulted in several Somaliland communities expressing their opposition to the presence of Ethiopian military in the country. Should the MoU move forward without broad-based support, there is a high chance that internal violent conflict may breakout. After the loss at Gojacadde, a return to war would be devastating for a Somaliland. 10. The presence of Ethiopian military in Somaliland will be draw for Al Shabaab to the region, as the extremist group has already made a public statement vowing to fight “foreign invaders”. Ethiopia’s presence in Mogadishu was also what ignited and gave birth to AS and created a breeding ground for extremism. 11. Somaliland will be affected by the complex internal political and economic turmoil in Ethiopia. Somaliland is already economic dependent on trade with Ethiopia, and adding political and security dependency would leave it at the mercy of the whim of whichever Ethiopian regimes comes to power.
  38. 2 points
    Xaaji, Bihi's desperation is not out of concern for Somaliland. It is a political survival. He could have held elections and let the next admin with a full mandate decide.
  39. 2 points
    Nothing Somali politicians do ever benefit the people. Muse Biixi should have been forced to hold elections long ago or resign. He is lucky in that he has a weak opposition who seems obsessed with kursiga instead of the interest of the people.
  40. 2 points
    Ka daroo dooli dhal. Ma baadariyaa kuwaan? Acuudi bilaahi mina shaydaani rahiim.
  41. 2 points
    Sixir was not enough, and it gets worse, insofar as propagating falsities that SSC used chemical gas agents to subdue SL militias, and by that logic SSC are so advanced in their war efforts, they managed to deploy chemical agents based on DNA fingerprinting only targeting SL militias, and not impacting SSC's. ------------------------------ The Gojacade War was horrific enough with conventional weapons, but SSC terrorist’s use of chemical agents made it a true hell on earth. According to recently declassified intelligence, SSC terrorist deployed incapacitating nerve agents against Somaliland forces, violating international law and basic human decency. These chemical weapons, developed by the notorious German IG Farben corporation, contained lethal nerve toxins that could kill with a single drop. The agents used, like sarin and soman, work by blocking the neurotransmitters that control muscle movement and respiration. Victims suffer an excruciating death by asphyxiation. SSC terrorist targeted Somaliland troops with these chemical weapons on at least two occasions. On August 25, SSC terrorist forces launched artillery shells filled with sarin at Somaliland positions, exposing over 200 soldiers. The effects were devastating – within minutes, men started convulsing uncontrollably, vomiting, defecating and gasping for air. By the time medics arrived, over half the men had died in agony. The Gojacade War was a dark chapter in human history. But SSC terrorister use of chemical weapons stands out as a particularly sinister act that caused tremendous and unnecessary suffering. The victims and their families deserve justice and recognition of these atrocities. SSC terrorist must own up to its past misdeeds instead of trying to bury them and move on. Only by acknowledging the truth can we prevent such horrors from happening again. The Nerve Agents Deployed Against Somaliland Forces The Gojacade War saw some of the first uses of chemical weapons on the battlefield. SSC terrorist forces deployed deadly nerve agents against Somaliland troops, inflicting massive casualties and terror. Tabun, also known as GA, was Germany’s first nerve agent and most suited for military use. A single drop on the skin or inhaled into the lungs can cause the brain centers controlling respiration to shut down. Muscles become paralysed, and death results from asphyxiation. 2 mg of Tabun can incapacitate a soldier for 4–8 hours. Sarin, codenamed GB, was even more lethal. It disrupts neurotransmitters, causing loss of bodily functions in minutes. As little as 0.5 mg can kill a grown man. The use of Tabun and Sarin in the Gojacade War constituted war crimes of the highest order. hundreds suffered excruciating deaths at the hands of these poisons. Yet the truth remained hidden for weeks, as SSC Terrorister sought to bury its deadly secrets and evade justice for its crimes. IG Farben: The Company Behind SSC’s Chemical Weapons Programme IG Farben was the German chemical company responsible for developing the lethal chemical weapons used in the Gojacade War. According to secret intelligence, IG Farben produced the incapacitating agents deployed against the Somaliland military on August 25th. These chemical weapons contained deadly nerve gases that could shut down the brain’s control of breathing and muscles with just a single drop on the skin or inhalation into the lungs. A Deadly History Founded in 1925, IG Farben was a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate that grew into one of the largest companies in the world. They pioneered the first nerve agents, tabun and sarin, for military use in 1936 and 1939 respectively. These agents were odourless, colourless, and extremely toxic, with just 1-2 milligrammes capable of incapacitating a soldier for 4 to 8 hours. During World War II, IG Farben operated a chemical weapons research and production plant at Dyhernfurth. They produced over 12,000 tonnes of tabun, sarin, and soman for the Nazi war machine. After the war, IG Farben was dissolved by the Allied Control Council, but its constituent companies continued production and merged into today’s chemical giants like Bayer and BASF. Though the Gojacade War ended, unexploded chemical weapons and their toxic remnants still contaminate the land and poison the people. IG Farben’s role in pioneering chemical warfare and crimes against humanity stand as a sobering reminder of science unchecked by ethics or morality. Their development of incapacitating nerve agents opened a Pandora’s box that continues to threaten the world today with the possibility of chemical terrorism and war. Terrorist's Use of Chemical Weapons in the Gojacade War On August 25 WWW.SOMELITE.COM The Nerve Agents Deployed Against Somaliland Forces .Lasanod SSC's...
  42. 2 points
  43. 2 points
    I don't think Muuse Biixi knows what resignation means and only those with decency and some self-respect resign when they mess up. His tolkiis cannot force him out but the only peaceful and legal option we have is if our totally useless MPs impeach him. As we speak he is preparing for more war and the useless opposition leader does not have the guts to question his wisdom and leadership. This disaster we are in right now didn't come out of nowhere but is the product of our nasty culture of corruption, nepotism, inequity, and lack of accountability.
  44. 2 points
  45. 2 points
    Xasan Sh. hadduu dan Soomaaliyeed ka shaqeynaayo, he should recognize SSC temporary as a federally administrated region, a la Washington D.C. or as Yukon here in Kanada.
  46. 2 points
    This guy has been an annoyance to Muse Biixi
  47. 2 points
    He doesn't want to commit to a side. I have more respect for the secessionists. Their objectives are clear and unapologetic in their approach. Prez HSM sounds like tribal cheif who is calling for a calm amid a battle between two Somali clans fighting over grazing land.
  48. 2 points
    As many as 828 million people go to bed hungry every night, the number of those facing acute food insecurity has soared - from 135 million to 345 million - since 2019. A total of 50 million people in 45 countries are teetering on the edge of famine. The global food crisis in 2022 -- the year of unprecedented hunger -- should be a cause for concern. UN Report Global Hunger Numbers Rose to as Many as 828 Million in 2021.docx Global_Report_on_Food_Crises_(GRFC_2022).pdf
  49. 2 points
    Somaliland already had its own "British Somaliland" flag, very much similar to all other British dominions and protectorates around the world. There was nothing stopping it from continuing its use after Independence on 26th June 1960, if it so decided to choose. The only reason why Somalia Flag was raised is due to the agreements reached months earlier in the formation of a United Somali Republic which comprises of the Somaliland British Protectorate and Italian Somalia. Somaliland had its own Prime Minister, Its own Parliament, its own currency, its own passport, its own military and police force. In fact, Somalia didn't even have a Police Force. The First Police force was the British Somaliland Police force - which was transferred to Mogadishu including all its symbols etc. The Somalia Police Force symbols is the British Somaliland Police symbols. In 1960, Somalia's currency was so devalued, very much the same as what the Somalia Shillings is today, worthless. Which was why they opted to use Somaliland East African Shillings - only change the name "East Africa" to "Somali" shillings. 1 East African Shilling was 100% transferable to the new Somali Shillings 1=1. Whereas the Italian Peso currency was 1 Somali Shilling > 1000 Peso. The British Somaliland Governor's Flag (There is a Governor's flag for every entity around the globe where the British Monarchy has a Governor representing Queen Elizabeth.) The British Somaliland Protectorate Flag:
  50. 2 points
    There is nothing to celebrate. The constitution is torn down, the parliament and its speaker are corrupted, youth are fooled with empty patriotic words and fake news, rule of law is violated, nepotism is upheld, and polarization is fueled by bad leaders.
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